Tech's Deb Ball. What We Learned in Davos.
Olinerds report for duty in Washington. Second-order impact of a politicized tech elite. Washington Post gets a BHAG and CNN plots a post-TV future. Good product goes to Zurich.
This week, Brian takes the lead, connecting tech’s debutant MAGA-ball moment to the state of disarray in media. He poses a difficult question… what would you do at CNN?
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What’s your BHAG?
BRIAN: Troy… You picked the perfect time to make your Davos debut. It rose to prominence along with globalization and what was thought to be an elite consensus of free trade, democracy and the free movement of capital and people. Give the WEF credit: It built a massive media business by attracting all kinds of bankers, potentates, mandarins, government officials and politicians. Like much of mainstream media, I suspect Davos will soon be in the business of managing decline. Hey, for now it’s a cash cow for business media to do endless side events.
Consider that our tech oligarchs skipped the slopes for a frigid DC. I am a sucker for displays of raw power. And that’s what it was with Bezos, Zuckerberg, Pichai, Musk, Altman lining up to pay fealty to Trump. I appreciate the attempt by their house organ to spin this as “founder mode.” More like kneepads mode. But they made business decisions, and that’s their jobs, not being profiles in courage.
I’m curious how this plays. Tech people are great at first principles, less so at second-order effects. Their employees can’t be thrilled. The leaders themselves risk being pulled into being Information Space characters. Elon has the stomach and personality defects for that life. Wait until Trump starts putting them against each other and the humiliation phase begins. The nerds in the garage era is over.
It’s safe to say there’s no Trump Bump 2.0 for media. The sequel is usually a disappointment. Trump will continue to dominate attention. I thought the Ezra Klein-Chris Hayes podcast on this was excellent. It’s just the accumulation of raw attention that matters that can then be refined into power. I'm eager to read Hayes’s attention book. I’ve made progress in eliminating X and other distractions. I am less distracted and anxious.
Business publishers are positioned well for Trump 2.0. It’s really the last good sector of publishing. Bloomberg, the FT and WSJ all still do great work and have good businesses with high-priced subs and sometimes they sell out of display. They can squarely focus on the impacts of policies, less on what a priest said during a prayer service with Trump. I was surprised to find the NYT leading with that. Felt out of a time capsule. A media exec predicted to me they’d see in the analytics that stuff doesn’t hit like it used to.

The Washington Post and CNN are not well positioned. The Post has a new BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) of 200 million users and CNN’s long-awaited turnaround is banking on a spritz of lifestyle programming to lighten up the shoutfests. Didn’t they already try that with CNN+? And it’s now been 15 months since Mark Thompson took charge. He’s still trimming people and reallocating resources. I’m unclear of what major changes he’s enacted. The latest cuts come with the same message he’s had: TV is in decline. You don’t say. Where’s the action? I’m reading a Colonial War history. Lotta generals like to parade their troops and perfect their battle plans instead of fight. I agree with Alex said on this week’s pod: if you’re in trouble, go deeper rather than wider. Maybe it’s boring, but the Post should own government coverage and feed at the trough of corporate affairs budgets. CNN has the biggest global newsroom. Too simple? Sure, the business might be smaller. There are worse fates.
Have you told us what you’d do re WAPO and CNN? Do you have a personal BHAG?
Enjoy the rest of your trip. If you’re missing rösti, there’s a longtime Soho Swiss joint, Cafe Select in New York, that serves a great one. Get it with an over-easy egg on top. I assume over-easy eggs are back. The safetyists can stand down.
TROY: Truthfully, I have no place in Davos. I don’t run an AI company. I am CEO of nothing. I made the trip to hang with a friend from Zurich, ski the Alps and attend a couple of events.
Davos is Cannes Lions for grown ups. I sit at the kids table. Cannes is where the kids sneak away, borrow the corporate card, safe in the knowledge that an expensive week of partying in the south of France will nary register next to the billions that run through the ad spend machine. In Davos, serious firms like Accenture, Palantir and SAP take over the store fronts and restaurants on the Promenade, a very different vibe than the adtech knuckleheads in Cannes that rent party yachts next to the Croisette. Legacy and next gen business media fish for dollars with panels, dinners and parties that are less rambunctious than the teenage fun that makes Cannes enjoyable.
A pro-business Trump mood seemed to buoy spirits at the event, until daddy barged in on video on Thursday and reminded everyone that the boss gets unpredictably cranky. You would have killed to be in the back rooms and dinners where business and political elite post-gamed that shit show. That would make Davos fun for sure. You gotta get the good invites.
Otherwise, the security is nuts, the Swiss are more efficient and welcoming hosts than the French. S-Class sedans and Sprinters clog the main drag. Bonus: I had a terrific meal in Zurich (see Good Product below….)
Re: my BHAG
Thanks for asking about my personal BHAG. Hate to disappoint but my answer may be more “Deepak” than you expect. I am trying to do a better job of listening to what the Cosmos wants from me. My BHAG is about being less controlling, more open to possibility and generous to my family and friends and definitely more in the moment. I am down to manifest some big shit for 2025 if you want to talk through it. Naive BHAG talk is not really my bag. My current inspiration… this loveable goofball. Hugo is magic.
Re: Do the tech workers hate their bosses now?
On your point about an inevitable growing divide between tech bosses and workers who feel betrayed by their evolving values… We spent the last twenty years convincing entitled knowledge workers that work is personal, companies are family with values and soul. I agree it’s tough for those seduced by this delusion to see their bosses become opportunistically transactional. Did Sundar actually stand and clap when Trump proclaimed he would incinerate DEI? Who took notes on these gestures… I want to see them.
Turns out there’s always a bigger boss. The way I see it… tech platforms are the operating systems of modern society. This means they are very close to the “metal” of the political and judicial hardware layer. Things work much better where there is alignment between software and hardware. If nothing else, billionaire tech leaders understand systems of cause and effect. The rules here are obvious. Bending the knee is just pragmatic corporate stewardship. Even if it causes short term cognitive dissonance in your organization and your soul.
Practically speaking, there are plenty of people that will take a paycheck from Meta or Google or Tesla and fall in line. Remember, AI inevitably reduces the power of the professional class in favor of capital. Workers are opportunistic survivors too! Shockingly, a sizable cohort may even quietly agree that the shift in American political culture is an overdue correction.
As the Anonymous Banker points out below, many of the newly minted AI working class will cash out and vote with their feet. It’s never been easier to be your own boss. Now you can decide what kind of values you want your company to have and what’s for lunch at your very own corporate cafeteria.
I am more confident that Mark Thompson will eventually make progress. Reading between the lines of the Ben Mullen story in NYT you reference above, change is taking too long. The reason… retrofitting a cable news network for the digital age is a super gnarly problem. CNN is flanked on all sides:
When you want to know what is happening in the world right now, what is your digital alternative to turning on CNN via a cable provider… the NYT or WSJ app? Aggregators like Apple News or Yahoo? X or another social outlet? Maybe you go to You probably get a notification from someone, in which case you need people to be using your app. In all of these cases, you have to have a subscription relationship to compete. Or social media economics. CNN is way behind.
The text news game has shitty economics. Video is the only way to meaningfully carry ads and will be forever. You gotta be in video. But video is a platform game. Most of the use cases outside of entertainment viewing (ie Netflix) hit YouTube or TikTok. A meaningful video business on a .com is not a thing. Show me a good example of a scaled video business on a web site. CNN needs to be in the video business. Building it on the back of platforms is tough. Shifting CNN viewing behavior to an app feels herculean.
Fox does personality and point-of-view. CNN is saccharine. Outside of headlines and the hard news game, news conversation is shifting to podcasts (audio and on YouTube). Personalities rule here. The economics massively favor independents. So does the freedom to fling bullshit without recourse. Think about it like this…. the All In guys are amateur media personalities / venture capitalists with laptops, mics and phones. They can spin up a live Washington encampment of the occasion of the inauguration for peanuts. This is your competition.
Bloomberg is a good aspirational comparison for CNN but with important differences. They are navigating a post cable, post magazine landscape well. Bloomberg works business categories with premium audience value. Bloomberg competes in subscription text and inexpensive global video operations. Bloomberg does fast and cheap video well. Bloomberg is all over YouTube. Bloomberg isn’t navigating from a 50% cable margin past. Bloomberg has built a stable of magnetic expert personalities in valuable verticals like Matt Levine in money and Lucas Shaw in media. Bloomberg floods the zone with podcasts.
Mark wants more lifestyle content which is understandable. If you are going to turn to CNN outside of a news use case, lifestyle stuff very useful. Just like you need personality. Or ownership of an habitual moment like morning news which was sensible in cable but is befuddling in the digital setting. We don’t need lifestyle from CNN. But we will take it if it sits on the shoulders of a broader essential / addictive relationship with the brand, just like cooking or games sit elegantly next to the NYT news feed. You need to primary relationship to win the lifestyle battle. Otherwise there’s a million other ways to scratch that itch.
Now what? We get the challenges. Where does all of this lead us? To me it’s two things. A new kind of talent in front of the camera and behind it. Second you have to be a sort of global news API manifest everywhere as a product and ingredient.
The first by a mile is talent. Not the old kind. Less Wolf Blitzer and more Theo Von. Talent will naturally emerge when you let your freak fly. CNN needs to make a home for the kind of personalities and formats that attract us when we are not dialing in news on a cable box. The brand has to become a gathering place for a far more diverse cast of characters and experts with way more latitude.

Next would be a new generation of producers hemming small, nimble teams that invent and package shows and feeds for smaller niches and across platforms at a fraction of the cost incurred to make the product today. People that make media with the agility of the influencer set. People who dance with your vital tech and data teams who bring the product experience to life. I want my CNN / Media feed, my CNN / AI guy, maybe the CNN / Morning feed on YouTube. I want my smart CNN eccentric. Sometimes I want ambient streaming CNN filler. Other times I want a podcast. Again, I want personalities I can relate to. I gonna be hard to make me pay for talking head news. If you hit an emotional nerve while serving my specific interests I will reach into my pocket. Think about how many Substackers you hand $10 a month.
When you think trusted news… right now… you gotta think CNN. I think of the next gen foundation as a global video news API. CNN’s beating heart. A live, fast, factual mix of talking heads, headlines and visuals. Free and available everywhere. Like a striped down version of what you deliver today on US cable and internationally. I would want the world to use this as an input into what they make without you.
Eventually you will personalize delivery. AI will separate the news product from the delivery experience. Remember AI is your friend or enemy. You need friends. If AI can augment or streamline any part of the operation, do it.
Realize that the modern reality of content abundance is a force that you can surf upon. This requires a big shift in mindset and culture. Avoid getting caught up in petty conversations about left and right. You are a trusted and courageous tent for news driven conversation. Remember, Fox gets one thing right beyond raw meat for the right… they do personality well. Lots to learn here. BTW. The outside chatter about upheaval at CNN is just noise. Ignore it and get to work.
Hopefully that doesn’t sound too naive. My flight is about to land. Have a great week!
What to do with your new AI option windfall? Quit and start an AI company.
The news is filled with significant funding (billions!) for AI companies. Most of this money will go towards building compute to train LLMs. Still, a portion is leaking out in secondary proceeds where shares in companies like OpenAI are purchased from employees or early investors.
This “leakage” represents a reduction in the traditional liquidity cycle from idea to exit for venture-backed start-ups. While some operators rapidly made off with significant cash-outs during the dotcom boom, the past 25 years have seen a cycle that mirrored a typical venture fund investment period of 7-10 years. In the last bull market, secondaries became more acceptable and significant, where founders could redeem a portion of their shares in later rounds.
So why is this trend relevant? The velocity and magnitude of cash now reaching the human capital at AI companies has the potential to accelerate company formation and drive innovation at an unprecedented pace. To put this in context, employees who started at OpenAI 2-3 years ago are cashing out $5-10mm in secondary sales; this is not limited to a small group of initial founders and employees but extends to a much broader set of employees. Yes, OpenAI employees can now afford nice homes and vacations, but what’s more important is they have the financial flexibility to seed new AI start-ups and, in some cases, will step out and start their own AI companies. Their secondary proceeds should be sufficient to build past a v1 without outside capital. When they go to market for funding, teams will push for the best terms because they will have actual products, real revenue, and happy customers (even profit?).
Traditional seed and venture-style investing is not going away, but this will speed up the extinction of many venture firms. Also, firms will have to get more creative in terms of the “value” they provide, which is why a firm like Andreessen is acquiring GPU power for portfolio companies.
The biggest winner here is Sam Altman. He’s already creating the next-generation accelerator (a synthetic YC) powered by OpenAI secondaries while investing his own money and providing these start-ups with access to powerful models. Despite Altman not owning equity in OpenAI, he’ll reap massive rewards from the seed investing and the larger ecosystem he is helping create.

The Kronenhalle restaurant in Zurich was founded by Hulda Zumsteg and her husband Gottlieb in 1924. It has everything I love when I eat out on the road; iconic local grub (buttery sliced veal fillet with ungodly good rösti), a perfect bar and warm capable hospitality. The art is fancy (Picasso, Chagall, Miró)… but the rooms are the real stars, beautifully accented with custom fixtures by Alberto Giacometti.
Hulda knew how to create a vibe, one that’s been appreciated by a long list of cultural and business elites — James Joyce, Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Chagall, Frederico Fellini, Max Frisch, Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Carl Zuckmayer. Good times have been had here. You can feel it.
The Kronenhalle is a very good product. If you are ever in Zurich, it is well worth a visit.